Friday 4 April 2014

Testing (and all that Jazz)

So I eventually managed to get some people together for some formal testing of Cadaver Claim and a feedback session.

In all it went down pretty well although certain things were highlighted:

Pace of Gameplay & Destruction is currently to rapid/much.

Given that destruction is meant to be sacrilegious, doing it 'all the time' can diminish the value it has and the effect it brings to the game. Additionally as destruction is a 'big' part of the game, doing it a lot of the time makes the game feel quite busy, with too much going on at times. Additionally the rate of destruction of absolutely annihilating the pack of cards, leading to most games ending not due to a player getting a winning score, but because the tower had run out.

  • Having 4 (or more) players really limits the card pool for the tower, especially when you have another players worth of destruction to consider.
  • Given that each combat had at least 3 player (so at least 75% of the player base) causing destruction, it was just too much.
Proposed Solutions:
  • Try smaller player numbers (more limited)
  • The player who win's the body already has their reward, letting them beat up other players card is just enforcing their lead (given how the individual players decks work). Limit what 1st place can do when they win a round.

Combat needs a few more options

You could be a bit to limited by the deck you had and the hand you were dealt/drew and it ultimately divulged down to a numbers game. 

Proposed Solution:
  • Add a little extra depth to the fights and the combat.
  • Maybe certain cards could have special rules/effects.


The premise and tactical depth Decay added was generally like, but the rate at which it went was too much.

Proposed Solutions:
  • Up the 'decay free' duration
  • Slow the rate of decay (every other or so)

Naming and 'killing' of cards can be quite fun, especially when people get involved with the theatrics and get a little descriptive. Do need to have pens that can actually draw on the cards properly!

With this feedback I should be able to tweak the rules a bit in order to accommodate. Hopefully I'll have them up and running soon!

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