Thursday 17 April 2014

Cadaver Claim - New Rules (Post-Testing)

So here we have the revised version of the rules, based upon the feedback session:

Ill talk you through the key changes

Gameplay Pace & Destruction

  • Number of players is now limited to 3 (4 can work, but 3 is the core recommended).
  • First place of a fight no longer stays behind to beat up their opponents acolytes, they are too busy carting off the body. Now the damage dealing is a prize of sorts for 2nd place. This adds a bit of extra depth as, even when 1st place is assured people can still fight over 2nd place and the rights to beat up acolytes.
  • Players can now also play a card of the same number atop each other, this allows them (with some forethought) to switch between colours mid fight.

  • The decay free period has now been upped from the first round to the first two.

Adding new abilities to cards was skewing the balance a tad to much and was making the game a bit less 'pick up and play'. The concept is still likely to be explored, maybe to add a bit of value to the lower number cards. A couple of ideas were:

  • Setting Aside (displaces an opponents, only one mind you (politics!) acolytes from the fight - whilst displaced they do not add their value to the fight, but cannot be harmed at the end either)
  • Pinging (when you play the card it deals damage (pings) to an opponents, again only one (more politics!) acolyte directly. The value would probably be capped at 1 or 2, but would be a really nice 'out' to Face-cards and Aces)
  • Protected (Simply put, this card/acolyte can't be affected by abilities, a difficult one to evaluate as it could be very narrow if their are only a few abilities, or could be really good if their are a lot.
  • Not an idea to include, but rather an idea to certainly not include: healing (it's counter to the Auto-Destruction theme, and also a pain to implement, I can't un-rip a card...)
Trying to make decay every other round was a pain for the players to remember all the time, simplifying it to just 2 safe round made it easier to play.

So there we have it, enjoy!

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