Thursday 13 March 2014

Cadaver Claim - First Pass Rules

So this post is a bit of a big one (in terms of news), I have the first draft version of the rules of my game prototype up and running (and sent off to Dayna, scary). I guess some explaining (and filling in) is required.

From the material analysis, case studies, general research and testing I found out that if you want destruction that feels 'important' you really do need that whole 'deface your darlings', if the destruction isn't slightly sacrilegious then it isn't worth doing.

Creative input (especially if it can be 'theatrical') is fun, great fun in fact. If people can be creative, they get invested, if they get invested then destruction matters more. If destruction matters more vendettas are formed, it escalates quickly. This also touches upon another point...

Multiplayer - Traditional games with politics are typically better and more fun, as they often also build upon the creations of the players. But for their to be politics of any real depth, you need more that 2 players, you need 'at-least' a third party. (Otherwise you can't have alliances, betrayals and all the good stuff.)

Ties all these aspects together and you end up with a system where the creative side creates investment, the politics builds upon the creative and the destruction value (which is already quite high and scandalous) becomes involved with the politics as they now have truly permanent consequences.

Given that these were seen as 'necessary' I needed a material that would allow for defacing without being to difficult to replace. Given the wonderful solution Viking Funeral used I hopped on-board the Traditional Playing Card wagon and worked from their (technically I amalgamated some thoughts, concepts and ideas from throughout development into a more complete and playable prototype, but that doesn't read as well...)

Here is a link to the rules (this version):

I'll try to be good and save updates as different files so these rules stay the same for development purposes.

A couple of things should quickly be explained, the setting/fluff is fairly early in development (or rather un-development...) and very surface level and without too much depth (ironic as the game takes place in sewers...) Currently the core concept is you and the other players are evil-ish, you have minions and you use these minions to fighter over dead bodies for you (its a tad morbid,but the tone is more Diskworld that truely dark.) I'll do a more in-depth post of the narrative, setting and tone at a latter date as their are good (honest) reasons behind them!

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