Wednesday 19 February 2014

Risk Legacy

So here we are again (and a bit later on), and I've started to do my (more formal versions of) my case studies (woo!). So without further ado I present you (again, for the Nth time) Risk:Legacy (applause) and a brief overview of what I'm looking at.

So Risk Legacy is a version of Risk that has you do all sorts of scary things (for board-gamers) such as ripping up cards, writing on the board and making decisions that are actually permanent (and not just for that round, for all rounds there-after). It's fairly Punk as board games go (it even has a Graffiti style font on the box, the horror)

The general gameplay and core loop is still very Risk (get dude, get countries to get more dudes to get more countries, etc...). Although the new victory condition (get 4 'Red Stars') is a nice change from the infinite grind fest that is classic risk. Where Risk Legacy really gets cool (yes cool) is in the permanent decisions, destruction and customisation/creation. Each player picks a faction (and that's who they are now stuck with for all the games to come, well at least the next 15, and I'll get to that) and picks ONE power up from a card to physically peel off the card and stick on their faction card. You now bin, rip and destroy the remaining powers you with never need them (chilling). Factions can get more powers as more games of Risk happen (its designed to played as a 'campaign' of 15 games - note the list on the bottom left of the board, the winners name gets written here and they get to pick bonuses, funky).

In addition to Factions changing so to does the board, Cities get built (and named by the players, in pen, forever), areas get 'scared' (gameplay changes represented by stickers, un-peel-able stickers) and sometimes whole countries can be removed. All in all, its pretty rad.

So I will likely be spending some time doing a (much) more formal analysis of Risk Legacy and its Auto-Destructive gameplay in the coming week.

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