Friday 2 May 2014

Final Rules!

Well After some more playtests and all that malarkey I decided to go for it an add the abilities, their fairly similar to the ones proposed in the previous post but for clarity Ill quickly recap the ones that did make it with a rules excerpt:

"Pinging - An acolyte with this ability has the ability to deal damage directly to an opponents acolyte directly when you play it. You are limited to targeting only one opponent and may only target their most recently played acolyte. This damage may kill that acolyte (no, you may not Ping the body). The cards with this ability, and the damage it does are:

  • Threes - These Ping for 2 damage.

  • Fours  - These Ping for 1 damage.

Tip: The Ping value plus the Acolytes value add up to 5."


"Displacing - An acolyte with this ability can remove an opponents acolyte from the current fight. Set that acolyte aside and do not add its value to that players total. This acolyte cannot be harmed by damage at the end of the fight. You are limited to targeting only one opponent and may only target their most recently played acolyte. Displaced acolytes are added to the infirmary at the end of the fight as usual. The card with this ability:

  • Only Twos have this ability (they need something the poor blighters)"

So there we have it (well here actually with a link to the final rules):

Protection ended up not being added as it was unnecessary, and the targeting restriction (of last played acolyte) was added for a bit of mind-games and depth to the gameplay. So far I have found the an opponent restriction to be one of the more interesting as it really add to the politics. Additionally adding in physical destruction to this makes the politics all the more entertaining. Of note, playing Face-Cards and Aces is now very risk if you are unsure of your opponents acolytes, I've seen vendettas that used to be against Ace's and Face-Cards now swing towards 2-4's!

Well i hope you have enjoyed this project, and enjoy the game too!