Friday 27 September 2013


Hey their chaps and chapesses, 
This is my introduction post where you get to find out all about me (abridged)

Who am I?
            My name is Fraser and I'm a Masters student at Abertay University studying Professional Practice in Games Development. Prior to this I studied a BA Hons in Games Design and Production Management (still here at Abertay)

What do I do?

            I'm a games designer! Though I do tend to spend a fair bit of time doing level deign (as it means I get to faf around in editor and appease the ocd gods)

Who have I worked for?

            I have been lucky enough to have worked for(in order =3):

Kerb, as a junior design working on the Misfits Season 2 'interactive wall', Fashion Addict (a Facebook game) and some other bits and bats.

Gamania, as a community assistant/GM helping with the launch of the European version of Lucent Heart, some translations and whatever else needed to be done.

Zoƫ Mode, as a designer on Zumba World Party and Zumba Kids (for Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii and Wii U). Yes I can now dance fabulously.

Ironbelly, currently (on the odd occasion) I do some freelance Game-Analytics and Level Design for this Canadian based company, can't say too much currently (NDA's and all that jazz).

Whats have I done?

           Time for an obligatory portfolio link: which I will (hopefully) be updating soon to include some more recent projects (and some updates to the temple level.)

You can also find me on LinkedIn: